Sunday, April 11, 2010

Amira's Masterpieces

We have been so busy lately that updating has been difficult to manage. Will update soon, but until then here's a few more pieces of Amira's artwork. :-)




Lebeeya said...

I am IMPRESSED! Mashallah. Great artwork. When do you think she will be ready start her own exhibition?

ibeebarbie said...

LOL---yesterday one of my cousins sent a text message saying that they loved it and wanted to bid $1 million dollars on the frog. When I told Amira about it, she picked up the phone and called him, and as soon as he answered she said "really you'll give me $1 million dollars?"

In our living room we have a stand that displays each weeks masterpiece. :-)

Sparkle said...

Mashallah la quwata illa billah

This is really something!! And for a girl her age!! Amazing... I would bid more :P

Tell her to keep it up ^_^

Luv n hugz
Sparkle xxx

Libyan Violet said...

Mashallah I am amazed by the color coordination. The frog is my favorite.

piccolina said...

that is nice :)

on the edge said...

Have to say the frog is quite good and looks like a very valuable painting!